What does it mean to be a pro-life school?
By Jordan Mitchell, Headmaster
Life is precious! The dignity of human life is undoubtedly the number one issue that is being attacked in our world today. We live in a world that does not see life as “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139). We live in a world that does not see all life as sacred. We live in a world that uses man-made markers to limit life until it is convenient or does not cause strain on others. These reasons, as well as a multitude of others, are why being pro-life is sewn into the very fabric of Chesterton Academy of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
We don’t have a pro-life club. Being pro-life should not be something that a few students at the school participate in, but rather it should transform the learning environment. This transformation is not limited to any one class but should be the prevalent theme in all classes. Certain classes such as Theology and Philosophy seem to lend themselves to this pro-life theme very easily. Using our God-given abilities of reasoning and logic in philosophy allows a student to draw the conclusion in theology that God made us out of love, for love, and to love - all three of which are essential to a pro-life understanding of the world.
However, the pro-life theme does not stop at theology and philosophy. Taking the time to learn Latin teaches students to appreciate other cultures’ works and contributions to the world. This also rings true for music and art. The analysis of literature and historical figures and events once again allows students to use their reason and logic skills to interpret and deem those figures and events to be good, true, and beautiful, or evil and wrong. Math and science permit students to enter the awe of the natural world, including the stars, the earth, and life itself. Through these two subjects, students can come to a deeper resolution that all life is unique, precious, and worthy of our defense from conception until natural death.
I will be joined by some of our students this week as we take part in the March for Life in Washington, D.C. There we will be joined by hundreds of thousands of other people who understand that life is priceless. I write today asking for your prayers and thoughts as we embark on this essential mission!