Tuition & Fees

Chesterton Academy is committed to offering an outstanding high school education at an affordable cost to families. We keep tuition as low as possible to bring a classical education in the Catholic tradition to every family, regardless of income. For the 2024-2025 school year, our tuition is $7,500 per student, making it half of what many other schools charge.

Our Approach

$7,500 Tuition

Tuition is paid according to the one of the agreements below:

  • Automatic payment through bank or credit card

  • One payment due upon enrollment

  • Two payments due upon enrollment & December 2024

  • Twelve payments due monthly from enrollment through May 2025

Additional Fees

A fee of $750 is paid upon enrollment. This fee covers registration, textbooks, books that students will own and keep, all curriculum supplies, and placement tests.

Uniforms are purchased by parents through our uniform vendor, Schoolbelles, and range in cost from $250-$400.