Chesterton Students Perform Service Projects

Students and faculty from Chesterton Academy of Our Lady of Guadalupe did service projects on Monday, January 18, to mark Martin Luther King, Jr., Day. We had two groups: one was at St. Joseph Shrine and another worked at St. Luke’s Lutheran Church, the host of our school. After the usual start of the day at morning Holy Mass, students did service cleaning floors and pews in the church sanctuaries. Both churches have cleaning crews who have difficulty cleaning the floors under the pews and scrubbing the pews with wood cleaner. Our joyful students put their young bodies to work in service of these houses of worship on these difficult jobs!

The students had a great time. We received hearty thanks from the churches for the work the students did. They completed all the work by noontime so that they had the rest of the afternoon to study for finals, which took place Tuesday - Friday during the rest of that week.


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