First Graduation for Chesterton Academy of Our Lady of Guadalupe!

By Peter Ohotnicky, Headmaster

Senior Maureen Barrett is presented with the first diploma for Chesterton Academy of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

Senior Maureen Barrett is presented with the first diploma for Chesterton Academy of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

On June 5, the Chesterton Academy community gathered to celebrate its first graduation. Our lone senior, Maureen Barrett, completed commencement exercises and received her diploma. The ceremony was held in the social hall at St. Joseph Shrine. The opening prayer was given by Rector Canon Michael Stein, followed by the singing of the National Anthem in 4 part harmony by Chesterton students and remarks by Headmaster Peter Ohotnicky. After the presentation of the diploma, Maureen was given the opportunity to speak and thanked her parents, teachers, and fellow students for the experience of being at Chesterton Academy, even if was only for 1 year. Concluding remarks and prayers were offered by co-founder, teacher, and interim Executive Director Alejandra Correa. Finally, Maureen led fellow students in singing the Salve Regina.

After the ceremony, students sang for the First Saturday Mass at St. Joseph Shrine, offering praise, glory, and thanksgiving to Our Lord and Our Lady for the blessings of their first year.

Maureen will be attending Christendom College in Front Royal, Virginia, starting in the fall.

The following are Mr. Ohotnicky’s remarks on this occasion:

Canon Stein, Board Members, fellow faculty members, parents, students,

And our dear graduate:

Today is a wonderful day for Chesterton Academy.  Who would have imagined this day a year ago?  It was only in late July of 2020 that I got an email from Mr. Barrett wondering if we would take a senior during our first year at Chesterton Academy.  I was surprised—who wants to transfer to a brand new high school for her senior year?  But it did not take long to realize Maureen was going to be a great fit for Chesterton Academy, and board members, one of your wisest decisions was to open this school for 12th grade during this first year. 

Maureen has been a phenomenal student and leader within this school.  She was the student leader or prefect of the House of Chrysostom.  She participated in volleyball, basketball, and weight lifting.  She was a straight A student.  Of course, she delighted us all as “Rosalind” in “As You Like It” in our first drama production.  She was a leader in all aspects of the Chesterton experience, from singing at daily Mass to organizing a debate in the classroom.  Most especially, she embodied the mission of Chesterton Academy:  “to develop articulate, clear-thinking, well-rounded, and joyful human beings.”  Maureen lived that mission each day at Chesterton Academy.  Class of 2022, the bar has been set very high!

On this day, we all can joyfully celebrate what Maureen and the entire Chesterton Academy community have accomplished in the past year.  We launched our school despite the obstacles created by a virus… and our government’s response to it.  We attracted wonderful families who sacrificed to give their children a classical education which was faithful to the Catholic intellectual tradition.  We brought in faculty members who have demonstrated remarkable dedication and teaching excellence.  Our board, benefactors, and especially our founders, David Miller and Alejandra Correa, have supported this school with unceasing effort and constant prayer.  Our Lord and Our Lady of Guadalupe have accomplished so much to bring us this graduation day, the first of what will be many joyful celebrations.  

So now we should do what G. K. Chesterton would recommend when our hearts are filled with joy:  respond with gratitude.  David and Alejandra:  we thank you for being faithful to God’s call in starting this school—you are about to see the first graduate.  Board members and benefactors:  we thank you for everything you have done to make Chesterton Academy a reality.  Faculty members:  we thank you for bringing your talents and pouring yourselves into this mission.  Families:  we thank you for choosing Chesterton and remaining steadfast despite the challenges.  Students:  we thank you for all the effort you bring to this school each day.  And finally, Maureen and the Barrett Family:  thank you for coming to us… we hope you feel as blessed to be part of this community, as we have been blessed by your presence.  Finally, when we leave here, let us all go and offer our gratitude to Our Lord in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.  To Him be all glory and praise, forever and ever.

Our Lady of Guadalupe:  pray for us!


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