Student Spotlight: Lillian

Despite contemplating various high school options for their daughter, Lillian, the Hasses still hadn’t found “the right fit” when they had some friends over for dinner one night. It was at this dinner that they first heard about Chesterton Academy. According to Kristine Hass, “our ears perked up right away,” especially since Kristine is a fan of G.K. Chesterton.

The Hass family wanted “the focus on faith that Chesterton offers” and were “proponents of a classical education.” Since Lillian was open to exploring Chesterton, they attended an informational meeting to learn more about the school. Now, they are “excited to be a pioneering family.”

For Lillian, a recent 8th grade graduate of St. Joan of Arc, some of the most intriguing opportunities offered by Chesterton Academy include the science classes and the possibility of a trip to Italy. In addition, Lillian is “interested in the logic and reasoning that come from a classical education.” For Lillian, a classical education is especially worthwhile because it “focuses on what is beautiful, good, and true, not just information.”

Kristine agrees with her daughter’s assessment of why a classical education is valuable: “A classical education promotes a deeper level of thoughtfulness that is especially missing in this very tech-centric world. As much as it may be a rigorous approach focusing on academic excellence, the greater appeal for us is the moral framework in which it is grounded.” This moral framework is what the Hasses hope will guide Lillian through the difficulties presented by “our throw-away cancel culture.” Kristine is also excited by the faculty that Chesterton Academy has put together. Both she and her husband are “very impressed” both with the faculty members they’ve already met and the bios of those they haven’t.

In addition, Chesterton Academy’s devotion to both St. John Paul II and Our Lady of Guadalupe helps make a perfect fit for the Hass family. As Kristine notes, “we love Our Lady in every way she comes to us,” while “St. John Paul II has had a profound influence on the faith life of our family.” They especially love his definition of freedom: “Freedom consists not in doing what we like, but in having the right to do what we ought.”

With the patronage of such mighty saints, and the unique spirit of G.K. Chesterton undergirding Chesterton Academy, Kristine hopes that Lillian will finish her high school career “more firmly rooted in her faith, confident in her beliefs, capable in her thoughts and reasoning, and committed to being Christ to others in the world.”

We at Chesterton Academy of Our Lady of Guadalupe cannot wait to welcome Lillian in the fall!


Student Spotlight: Gabriel


Faculty Spotlight: Marcella Rochon, Art Teacher