Student Spotlight: Gabriel

Incoming junior Gabriel Ang experienced both public school education and homeschooling, so his family knew the benefits that each could provide. But when the Angs first heard about Chesterton Academy at their church’s Oktoberfest, they were excited to learn more because they hoped that Chesterton Academy could provide “the best of both systems… solid Catholic education and social interaction with like-minded peers.” For the Angs, classical education, “especially through the Catholic Church’s lens,” is worthwhile because it provides “the best that has been thought and said historically” while “equip[ping] the student with the intellectual skills to think critically.”   

Gabriel is certainly excited about developing these critical thinking skills which is why he is especially looking forward to the philosophy classes: “I believe that philosophy would help me think better logically and would benefit me in making good, rational decisions.” 

Apart from the philosophy classes, Gabriel considers a classical education worthwhile for high schoolers because of “the connections it makes throughout all classes. Classical education shows how everything goes together… this connection shows and helps students understand why everything is connected and can show how God, the One and only source of Truth, is behind everything and how everything leads us closer to Him.”

Gabriel’s parents hope that such an attraction to God is one of the main things Gabriel will gain from his time at Chesterton Academy. In the end, they hope that Chesterton Academy will allow Gabriel the chance to “develop the skills and values necessary to be a God-fearing virtuous man.”

Additionally, the Angs are attracted to Chesterton Academy’s connection to great Catholic figures. They deeply love Our Lady: “we pray the Holy Rosary every day and ask for her intercession regularly.” In addition, they were already fans of the “Catholic intellectual giant” that is G.K. Chesterton and have tried to “immerse [them]selves” in his work by reading his quotes and literature.” 

In addition to reading the works of Chesterton, Gabriel has a recommendation for readers looking for a “great book”: Animal Farm, which was a very influential book for him. Gabriel considers it a “great book” as it shows “the deceit and tyranny of people who become corrupt with power. It shows how they try to do everything to get the people on their side.” As a book that showcases the “dangers of Communism,” it is an especially appropriate choice for members of the Chesterton Academy family, given Chesterton Academy’s devotion to Saint John Paul II.

We are overjoyed to welcome the Angs to Chesterton Academy!


The Rose of Tepeyac Gala: One Hour Livestream Event: February 6, 2021 at 6pm


Student Spotlight: Lillian